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January 6th, 2024

For those unfamiliar with my background as a teacher, I wrote an article entitled, “A Fearless Classroom” over at Lulu dot com. The twelve page download for college and university teachers is free and details how to create an anxiety-free environment for learning in higher education. While I believe our higher education system operates in an unconstitutional manner and abuses the taxpayers, I’m a firm believer in public universities insofar as those educate our students in other ways than private universities. I hope to publish those ideas in a book this year. For the present, my ‘Fearless’ series will soon add a unit on ‘Fearless Faith’ (religious tourism) and the following unit (Part I) regarding the teaching of ‘creationism’ alongside evolution in the schools without a constitutional crisis emerging or forcing biology teachers to cringe with embarrassment when beginning this unit. Thanks for returning to this neglected blog.

PART I of The Fearless Biology Teacher – Evolution Together With Creationism in the Classroom by Barbara Rubin, M.A.


Among the hotly debated issues in the teaching of evolution theory to high school students is a presumed ‘gap’ between the substantive ‘facts’ of science and religious ‘truths’. Religion and science have met upon numerous battlegrounds and the teaching of biology became one of them. The reason for this conflict is two-fold; the first being how science has looked down upon those who believe humans are more than the mere sum of their synapses. Scientists have generally resisted dialogue with the religious community, believing that would be a hazardous waste of time.

Thankfully, the religious community no longer burns scientists at the stake in order to gain their attention. While that makes the present gap in communication less violent, pay grades in the classroom still hinge upon community school boards rather than the opinions of staff working for the NASA. Stacking the school boards with degreed experts still does not guarantee agreement between precepts in the laws of religion, those of philosophical reason and the laws of physics. Does that mean persons of faith like to deny facts? Is the term ‘fact’ equivalent to the information conveyed by the word, ‘truth’? Facts are dispassionately accepted following presentation of proofs while truth is relegated to an hypothesis that is felt to be real, whether or not sufficient proofs have been amassed to satisfy the dubious or non-believers. Equations representing facts might have to await the arrival of a genius to put together the mathematical proof. One example is the equation E=MC squared being stated in mathematical terms, when the variables represented in the equation were already known for generations.

Religion has been conveniently blamed for numerous wars although the Encyclopedia of War informs us that only ten percent of wars had religious issues at their core. Simply put, religious persons have traditionally refused orders by tyrants to forget truths found in both history and national narrative, often resulting in the censorship or eradication of books, the arts and rhetoric itself. The resulting carnage in the lives of those religious populations under totalitarianism is generally classified as ethnic cleansing, although that isn’t factual. Accepted as a truth, the unspoken facts are that religious persons believe in a higher authority that determines behavior while totalitarian rulers require unquestioning obedience in behavior to members of their self-defined class. Compulsory education brought about a crisis in teaching children how to think, specifically because of shifting political tides which prefer rationalization over reasoning to result in obedience to authority. School attendance was originally mandated as a social service, to ensure children weren’t used to replace adults in employment or abused as unpaid labor. Home tutoring had long been the choice of the wealthy. Literate citizens were largely taught by parents or at the expense of employers and landowners in proto-type schools. This naturally led to wide variations in opinions, whether learned by experience or by the teachings of past and present experts.

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Another, less respectable reason for the gap between ‘fact’ and ‘truth’ belongs to the religious community’s emergence from ignorance in the sciences but still at a loss besides those with degrees in physics, chemistry and biology. There is a very real threat of losing a debate in the marketplace of one’s worthiness for employment, when science becomes a litmus test in a job interview. A casual conversation about the latest findings in Novel Scientific Inquiry Magazine, (NSIM is not a real periodical), may be used to wrest information about matters of belief by a job candidate that are forbidden to investigate in a job interview that doesn’t require those skills.
Readers of the Bible understand that most job interviews are conducted in an effort to distinguish between the famed twins of humanity. It’s more desirable to hire Esau and leave Jacob to begin his own company. Esau would, in turn, fall prey to Romulus and Remus when those predators began hunting in novel territories. Head-hunting agencies would easily replace the lost cog in that wheel of fortune. Jacob, left to seek other visionaries of this world, would have to protectively separate his ‘subsidiaries’ – his children and his flocks being his investment in eternity. Negotiations between the Jacobs and Esaus of the world are easily viewed in the United Nations, where Esau – like UNESCO – seeks to protect the heritage of his ‘brother’ into a sole proprietorship.

What powerful leaders and captains of industry forget is that belief systems have validity even among those who don’t know the human body has vestigial organs we’ve outgrown over the evolutionary time scale. I’ve also known scientists who eat and drink wheat grass when any biologist knows that grasses require four stomachs to digest. Interestingly, evolution is taught in biology classes in the United States. The evolution of intelligence marks humanity’s reach for negotiating with nature’s insistence upon winning over human settlements, never mind the aggressiveness of the Cains and Esaus of the world. Deeper footprints are left in the soil, sand and moon dust of Jacob’s universe, demonstrating that animalistic behavior does not have to rule us. Nonetheless, animalistic tendencies ‘lean towards the mean’ on the bell curve of human normalcy. This requires we examine how Jacobs are created while warily approaching the rest of the ‘human’ family – from wily father-in-laws with more than one daughter to marry well, (Laban), to the successful nomads able to circumvent external nature via travel.

History is filled with hunters and warriors who slashed, looted and burnt their way around the territories they ranged. Their names are memorialized, (e.g. Ceaser, Ghengis Kan, Lenin, Hitler and Mao), while their victims lie in largely unmarked graves, testament to cannibalism among humans. The prevalence of evil in the world often prevents those with higher aspirations from attaining the status required to both stave off/conquer threats and still implement better systems allowing communities to thrive. The martial atmosphere results in the development of caste systems whereby warriors feel overly put upon in the midst of intellectuals, despite the need for educating warrior classes lest you wind up with Bolshevism as your core belief system. The status of women consistently becomes degraded, despite periods of enlightenment because even an oppressed male may own a female. Phylogeny tells of the basic male-female relationships we should have left far behind us, yet remain in portions of every society. Appearances matter in terms of the search for healthy and intelligent mates or, at least, successful hunters and gatherers. Female birds go to males with the brightest plumage and researchers like Jane Goodall observed male chimpanzees attract females to private ‘honeymoon’ areas using the lure of food. However, among most mammals, males overpower females with strength in order to mate with a female ‘in season’. They will fight other males for the available females and we even see males, like lions, kill their own cubs in order to bring a lactating female back into ‘season’. Keeping the cubs from the father is a major responsibility of the lioness while still providing meat to the entire family unit.

Today, the earning potential of a woman is regarded as more valuable than her potential as a successful mother who nurtures a child to maturity in physical strength, philosophical orientation and intellectual/earning skills. ‘Bringing home the bacon’ is more important than bringing up the next generation. This represents a degradation of mothers as the major purpose of family units. It results in women needing to prolong childhood through extended educational (college) preparation to be more attractive or self-sufficient and then avoid or terminate pregnancies in order to keep the provender coming. The average public debate is about the ‘right to choose’ to terminate a pregnancy while the humanist debate ought to be about a woman’s right ‘to refuse’ an unwanted act that leads to conception.

The evolution of marriage laws has, to date, been intended to respect the independence of women. Fathers of daughters in societies where descent is through the mother, like Israel, already had betrothal contracts that allowed daughters to inherit and keep property brought into a marriage should a divorce occur. These contracts may be seen in transcriptions of contracts drafted in ancient Greece while women were unable to own property in the Western world until late into the Gregorian calendar. This ‘dance of dependency’ for women is an ongoing class action suit against the deterioration of a legal system stacked against weaker portions of the population.
Human evolution is theorized to have worked similarly in pre-history. Therefore, the creation of a family unit based upon peaceful relations between members was essential to the growth of the sentient humans and fostered an economically sound society. Capitalism evolved naturally in ancient Mesopotamia due to a diversity among economic strata within the peaceful relationships that existed between communities with goods to barter of diverse valuation. Termed by some as merchant capitalism, rather than a free market economy, the difference might be accrued to inequities in education and the relationship of the community to an avaricious ruling class. The overwhelming force of Alexander’s invasion of 331 BCE ended that self-sustaining system of multiple cultures living in proximity to each other.

Today, abuse is rife in many politically mixed communities while rarely observed where humanist/religious values are primary in importance. It is therefore logical to believe human nature is the result of the intentional drive to create humans on a scale that permits great nations to emerge from the chaos of billions of bipedal beings. Humans do not naturally evolve due to issues of dominance via force and community attrition versus superior ways of approaching other members with our shared DNA. Migration patterns have long been established among our species, established by refugees fleeing persecution and arid landscapes to those empire-builders sending forth insurgents in order to destabilize the conscious effort it requires to develop righteous nations. Insurgencies threaten the inheritance of both land and tradition. National lands fragment unless merged via a jointly held framework of laws, defensible through a system of justice that treats all members equally.

Religion, science and secular humanism are separate belief systems that are not mutually exclusive. Religion is a system comprised of watershed events, thought, tradition and legacy. A higher authority, generally regarded as a Deity, is responsible for matter and the interactions that permit the world to work and renew itself in observable ways. The relationship between the Deity and the individual leads to a pattern of how to think about life. Rituals develop to ensure the daily lives of the faithful are not without a sense of supra-survival purpose (e.g. a Sabbath for refection and family time). Educational norms are then developed to guarantee the legacy continues for adherents of the religion. Secular education is rather late in history, particularly in the United States – a youthful ‘upstart’ among nations.

The battle to keep the first amendment from reading ‘…freedom FROM religion…’ instead of ranking religion a freedom to maintain, is at the heart of this discussion. Religion approaches the issue of life with a sense of awe in order to remove the dangers of idolatry from taking over young minds. Humans are far from immune to succumbing to the worship of government, science and even secular humanism. The human mind and spirit have created Torquemadas as well as Einsteins, leaving a great number of persons throughout the world rather dubious about viewing all humanity with favor. Perhaps it is wise to remind the reader that Einstein was stateless for many years between leaving Germany and being granted Swiss citizenship. He was not defined by his nationality but, rather, helped the Swiss to better their nation through his admission. Merit sometimes triumphs over birthright as we have seen in prior paragraphs.
Evil is also awesome when you consider the human bent to erase its better nature from the surface of the earth as it begs for a dictator to turn Jacobs into Hitlers. The bible teaches that Jacob overcame the earthy tendencies to discarding the teachings of the fathers in his clash with his twin brother, Esau. Teachers and gurus (Jacobs) are more rarely sought than Hitlers because those roles do not guarantee the provision of meat to their adherents. Rather, Jacob tended his own family and flocks by dispersing those in the face of danger, knowing his children would be an admirable legacy. Each child different in their own right, the tribes of Israel set the bar for later generations of nation builders.
Science describes the rules governing matter, i.e. the beginnings, development and ultimate fate of the world. This includes rules governing humans – that bipedal and sentient species regarded as the top of the ‘food chain’. Education in the sciences is rigorous, using methodology developed over the millennia, from the mathematical discoveries of Egyptians, Aristotelian logic and extending through the newer statistical verification processes utilized to prove various hypotheses. Interestingly, these ancient sciences derived from beginnings in, or travel to, the Middle East; home to the Sages of early religious philosophies.

‘Humanism’ has been categorized as a religion by the United States courts to justify the way in which incorporation of groups, like Ethical Societies, might be allowed equal financial treatment under laws pertaining to religious non-profits, (American Humanist Society v. United States). Requiring exhaustive reviews of scientific method and human history, humanists will hopefully inform us why we are still asking the same questions already answered by Moses, Saint Augustine and other prophets and religious scholars. While often claiming to be atheists, I have found that humanist philosophers place an entirely unjustified faith in human nature to survive everything from natural disasters to the evil inclinations of blood-thirsty power grabbers. A tsunami does not mean the Creator hates a population. It means periodic natural disasters did not lead to the evacuation of known hazardous regions. It may also reflect powerful governing forces desirous of having residents remain in danger zones that generate wealth through fertility of the soil, an abundance of fish or to maintain a presence of military import. Other severe but less frequently encountered catastrophes, like earthquakes, support the scientific scheme of evolution, with shifting tectonic plates and active volcanos. Divine intervention should not be posited as required when you’ve accepted how the earth ages.

Nonetheless, the thoughts of men from Socrates to Galileo, and Hobbs to Nietzsche, have had enormous influence over the degree of submission men and women have proffered upon authority figures, legitimately chosen and/or perceived. That defies the definition of philosophy as a study concerned with free will and human evolution. The evolution of land ownership in ancient times led to the development of various forms of economies. Most schools fail to teach how capitalism naturally evolved in Mesopotamia, where luxury goods were made by artisans to serve a higher economic strata of consumer. The Renaissance was famed for patronage of artists with musicians and artists paid to create People have had patrons and created music ‘to order’, with the exception of Beethoven, permitted to write as he wished. Writers were paid to tell stories with preferred endings to posited challenges of the day and sometimes merely to fill space in broadsheets. Insofar as illiterate persons are fully able to understand freedom, perhaps some learned philosophers were all too to excuse bending to force in order to keep their jobs. Modern philosophers are faced with clarifying the technological issues of real force, in opposition to perceived force. Such conflicts are overcome by a combination of free will and strong community defenses. Perceived force begins benignly enough and then becomes malignant, metastasizing into concentration camps before the eyes of those paid ‘not to see’. In industry, Upton Sinclair also warned of conditions that grow when a man’s paycheck depends upon his not knowing its derivation. He was speaking of the processed meat industry before the food and drug administration began enforcement of sanitary requirements – not to mention the period before bribery was enough to gain certification as an approved food preparer. The health of a nation is based upon faith, as well as credit, in the currency and in each other.

Many writers of fiction throughout history have actually been philosophers helping to differentiate between true Gulliverian Lilliputs and those who follow ‘Gullibles’ travels. Where facts are in short supply due to censorship and reality is denied by the bulk of society, proofs are limited to the field of geometry without an end point to be proven. Spiraling out of control, myths beget myths unless describing a known destination. An example of this argument is my own experience when I first visited Europe. In Geneva on a warm, spring day, I was followed in town by a man with a tape recorder issuing forth Barak Obama’s voice. The faked tape called out foul threats against Jewish people and other disgusting statements. Upon my return to the States, a newspaper story described how a woman died after speeding into a brick wall. Her emergency call to police had said that Obama was monitoring her phone calls. I then informed the authorities of how his voice had been used to intimidate myself in Geneva. The authorities must have dealt with the problem because I’ve not since heard a presidential voice used in that manner in other than comedy routines showcased on stages around the world.

Belief in facts has widespread acceptance but does not extend the term ‘fact’ to tenuous matters like politics and economics, subjected to the plans and whims of many. While we make excellent use of the scientific method in the physical sciences, (the ‘null’ hypothesis), there are relatively few ‘givens’ in the equations of life. The null hypotheses of science requires a theorist to prove his theory to be untrue, as in the statement, “The earth does not travel around the sun.”. Do we really want to state the hypothesis that “Humans are all dead.”, or “Humans do not have souls.”, in order to remove ourselves from the pursuit of truth outside of the physical sciences? The context of this debate requires an admission that human consciousness is more than leaps of energy stemming from the axons of nerves from dendrite to dendrite, across the synaptic abyss of cellular space. Neural impulses are explained in the physical sciences while the results of those leaps in wisdom across humanity is a subject left to philosophers. Students of human behavior or religion generally substitute philosophical aphorisms to circumvent being accused of either scientific or religious heresy by the hierarchies of their days. Only calendar years separate a Galileo from a Dalai Lama, both persecuted by their respective establishments.

Intellectuals tripping over these issues have learned not to permit the degradation of the ‘soul’ – or the complexities of meta-consciousness – through claims that the soul does not exist without proof. It is entirely legitimate to believe that neuroscience is also part of the investigation into the human ‘raison-d’etre’. Belief by consensus (democracy, which is not always about the will of the majority) often stands in place of human judgement, leading to terror by loss of an approval craved by most people. Hence the story of the Emperor’s New Clothes whereby the nudity of the head of state was ultimately believed via the innocent proclamation of a child unable to lie about what lay before his eyes. The adults chose to say “I will deny the truth revealed by my senses to satisfy perceived authority.” The statement of that innocent voice led even the Emperor, like Adam, to run for a fig leaf in sudden embarrassment. We might say the Emperor was the ‘apple’ of the child’s eye on that fateful day and all gained ‘knowledge’ in the Aristotelian sense of learning to trust in your own observations.

The spirit of intellectual inquiry guarantees we will all encounter these three approaches to the world in our lifetimes – humanism, religion and science. Those encounters will happen whether encouraged or forbidden by the political/power constructs around us. Political and power hierarchies generally referred to as ‘governments’, are often challenged by these three branches of reason. These orientations lead to questions as to the legitimacy of the visible leadership in areas where a solid majority exists with shared values. Theocracies generally have differences over degrees of orthodoxy but rarely about legitimacy. Humanists, on the other hand, have rarely been sure enough about their positions to hold on to a censorship-free society lest power slip away from a controlling minority. Scientists may unpredictably lean in directions favoring funding of governmentally-preferred scientific interests even when forced to serve totalitarian interests . Self-interest in the name of money and safety has often overcome precepts of free expression and investigation, a severe infringement of creativity. Not all constraints may be blamed upon authority itself but upon those prepared to compromise at every turn.

Legitimate leadership does not interfere in the teaching of facts, except where governments rule upon thought itself, rather than the behavior of residents crossing legal lines of established frameworks. The teaching of truths however, are a nebulous area arising from the emotional component of learning; how do you feel about your hypothesis? To some, a hypothesis remains a truth even lacking factual evidence, as in deism. At other times, facts are filled in after theories are supported by partial evidence of the whole. In the latter case, history taken from the Bible is often supported by archeological evidence that comes to light in modern excavations. Last year, Royal seals consonant with the stories of the prophet Jeremiah about an imminent danger to Jerusalem were found, making the assertions more than mere morality tales. Disasters connected with Biblical floods and plagues are similarly handled in geological analyses, supported by the fact that many cultures have stories of a Great Flood. This makes education a legitimate battleground when making determinations about beliefs that appear to be outside of the realm of serious inquiry – like Creation. Evolution answers questions including how the earth was formed; how the animals and humans developed and so forth. Therefore, why is it when the term ‘Creation’ is uttered, hands begin to flutter, eyes blink at the supposed lack of clarity and the cheeks of biology teachers redden in distress? School boards have agreed that the subject of Creation must be taught. Some resolve on the part of both students and teachers regarding this matter must be made.

I will always remember the acute embarrassment suffered by my own, tenth grade biology teacher following the unit he taught about evolution. Explained with his usual enthusiasm for this area of his expertise, his downcast demeanor when relating Bible stories about Creation led the class to begin taking sides against each other. Religiously minded teens felt threatened by the aspiring scientists who wanted to make an impression upon this humiliated teacher who might write them a recommendation someday. They had no other interest in debate, being able to simply dismiss the information presented without penalty. Budding 14 year-old humanists pretended to mediate the arguments with a woeful lack of understanding of the divisions before them. The classroom became devisive and the public shaming of teenagers by teenagers degraded the educational process. The teacher remained helpless in this matter, a silence that further alienated those who wondered why, should evolution be a real phenomenon, that the term ‘creation’ must be a form of scientific blasphemy?

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Categories: commentary

Tags: Creation, education, Evolution, Fearless Series, Humanism, politics, religion, Science Post a Comment


February 7th, 2024

‘Never again’. That was the cry of nations in the wake of the discovery of the concentration camps. From Dachau (1933) to Majdanek/Lublin, (fully operational by 1943), these novel compounds were the newest development in prison efficiency, as long as your industry was named, ‘Death’. The courts at Nuremberg and the Hague; the United Nations Security Council and peace-keeping forces; these were dedicated to ending carnage that wasn’t merely ‘warfare’ between entities. Fascism is largely devoted to the genocide of the ‘other within’, creating any divide amongst the populace of a state that didn’t naturally exist from the onset.

‘Never again’, was also the short-term state of shock that caught up with the world in 1945. It was closely followed by the realisation that food and jobs were the stock and trade of fascists. Lenin had starved ten million Russians by his take-over of agricultural lands. Stalin is ‘credited’ with the improbable number of twenty million deaths throughout his range of influence, attributable to WW II combat losses and the subjugation of Ukrainian and Eastern European residents. With the world in denial regarding the threat of communists who voluntarily surrender themselves to fascists, Mao starved 大陆怎么浏览外国网站. After that imitation of Lenin’s movement of ‘his’ population to urban environs, there could be no surprise when Pol Pot enslaved all of Cambodia. The Vietnam war led us to drop any pretence that a Geneva Convention existed for prisoners of war – either cold or hot in nature. Senator John McCain enlightened us after choosing to remain with his men, despite the early release offered him by dint of his family’s position in America.

Most of my family died under Lenin’s influence, with identity papers that said, ‘Jew’, instead of ‘Russian’. The remnants of those survivors fought for the ideology of freedom in the American military while a third of our population was being incinerated in Europe. Our ‘stake’ in the evolution of a world without tyranny is evident in our return from exile to Israel after two millennia. A family history of scholars, soldiers, professionals and loving parents saw that I was taught by the fragility of freedom even with the novelty of U.S. constitutional law.

The allure of the United States lies in two interesting legal phenomena. There was a gap of 15 years between the Declaration of Independence and ratification of a Constitution without bloodshed over the understanding that the former colonials were now free. Debate demonstrated how freedom of speech inevitably leads to optimal outcomes, while talk couched in slander resulted in senseless loss, i.e. the Burr-Hamilton duel. In the spirit of Ancient Greece, the first amendment of the Bill of Rights placed the individual and like-minded persons above the mindless implementation of legalistic wrangling. This was expressed by refusing legislators any and all rights to abridge freedom of religion and verbal expression. Access was granted to present grievances without fear of retaliation because equality of potential outweighed the inequality of each individual’s beginnings in this young land.

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I estimate the last hundred years of communism has taken half the lives of the ‘Children of Israel’ in all lands. The world has one more chance to make this atrocity right. China has openly acknowledged that large numbers of their people are their guests in re-education camps where both psychological and physical torture is practiced. The goal is ostensibly to indoctrinate the principles of communist servitude and remove the last vestiges of individualism protected by our first amendment. The ‘concentrated’ efforts of those running these camps is said to be directed towards erasing religious ideologies that supplant obedience to a state. Primarily concerned with Christians and Moslems, the resurrection of this form of 怎样才能浏览国外网址, i.e. Holocaust technology, will inevitably spread far and wide to all nations. A resurgence of interest in Buddhism will certainly be checked by this move, apparently proceeding without protest by a widespread Chinese population in Western countries.

When will we see the international outcry that led to demonstrations outside of Soviet missions? When the Sakharovs and Sharanskys were alternately imprisoned in Russian camps and subjected to ‘internal exile’, college students chained themselves to embassy gates. Where is the demand for human rights monitors, now that camps have returned to the international scene with the unapologetic presumption that the world will make no protest. With the huge numbers of Christians and Moslems in the world today, where are the murmurs of discontent? Judaism is not among the five faiths recognised by the State, but we have always been at risk when communism went unchecked by world leaders under appeasement policies. Policies of isolationism have also led to insurgencies secretly denied by officials in charge. A well known method of installing the secret police preceding communist take-overs.

The issue may be that communism is more widespread than formerly believed. I personally know that the recruiting of members is ongoing, having been approached twice to join the party in airports outside of the United States. For a rarely discussed subject, party recruiters were not reticent about wanting the reasons for my refusal to join. I gave those reasons without hesitation in Istanbul and London. Perhaps, with this disclosure, we might open the dialogue to learn of the present-day forms of party membership and claims upon international coffers. The election of self-professed democratic socialists – who made deals with Communist countries in WWII – upsets the legal foundation of United States constitutional law. This also presents us with a new reason why ‘taking a knee’ at a football game provokes more outrage than the unveiling of concentration camps within the worlds’ largest trading partner of modern nations.

The recent cessation of torture at Guantanamo Bay should logically lead to investigations by qualified citizens groups, that our ‘privatized’ prisons in America are similarly freed of torture. A statement against the physical and psychological abuse of humans must be made through action, not merely verbal condemnations. However, the latter is still a start.

Categories: Articles, commentary, Life Observations, Practice of Law

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January 24th, 2024

United States Law is being challenged by the very persons paid Federal wages. We first saw criminal law enforcement at a State level, (Maryland), flouted in the Kavenaugh ‘job interview’, before the Senate judiciary committee. The lessons of the approval process for our newest Supreme Court justice will last for many years. Criminal charges are to be investigated by police and/or a District Attorney before the legitimacy of purported crimes committed in a given place are blazoned before the public. The last post on this blog spoke to the issue.

Now we see the Boycott, Sanction and Divestment movement against Israel once again brought before the public, this time by junior Congresswoman Talib. Senator Rubio of Florida, as others have done before him, justifiably terms her push as anti-Semitic. His views are well supported but the charge of anti-Semitism would be a matter for the Congress and her constituency to determine for purposes of censure or recall. Most importantly, Ms. Tlaib may be in violation of one or more United States federal laws.

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The push to force boycotts of companies registered in Israel has crossed the lines of consumer activism into the manipulation of legal processes and alteration of established treaties with favoured nation status. BDS targets a nation rather than individual companies where the owner is identified and corporate policies analyzed for documented harm. Congresswoman Tlaib is abusing the powers of her office. Her claims about ‘mixed loyalties’ also violates policies held by the Department of State. U.S. citizens may hold up to three passports, including the U.S. travel document. There is no question of divided loyalties being involved unless the U.S. citizen takes a job within the additional governmental structures, thereby establishing an outright conflict of interest.

This harkens back to Eisenhower’s 1954 measure revoking the privileges and rights of citizenship for Americans in the communist party. To be a party member automatically places the member in the paid or otherwise remunerated individual in the service of another government. The constitution forbids the U.S. government from competing with citizens in the marketplace and so may not make a profit. Communism endows the fascist or communists in charge of that government with ownership and/or control over all property and production. Communism is only a government, rather than a state or nation and knows no borders. Movement of communists (open or secret), and refugees fleeing communism, is a hallmark symptom of its borderless nature (evolution of the dissolution of states into ‘communism’).

This returns us to another issue treated in this blog regarding national democratic socialists. Known as the “SS” in Nazi Germany, they were voted into power when the American stock market crash of 1929 tightened credit and frightened the stretched, but manageable burdens of the Weimaraner government. The SS platform was identical to communist practice, endearing that group to Stalin. Food and jobs were promised, with all potential competitors for these commodities now under government control, to be eliminated. The SS choice for ‘competitor of the ages’ was the Jewish nation. The promotion of a physical archetype called ‘Aryan’, a tall, blond and blue-eyed physiognomy, was counter to the expected physical attributes of most Jews, Romanies, Asians and other undesirables.

In effect, the SS specified a particular type of communist group to envelop the western world, leaving the rest to other fascist ‘races’. In terms of their purported hatred of communists, it was a case of, “Methinks thou dost protest too much.”. Fewer communists were killed in their conquered lands than those nationals believed unable to adopt a ‘one’ group solution. Those nationals were, themselves, likely to have revolted against their own leaders in communist territories. Stalin didn’t mourn those deaths in the least, boasting (not mourning) 20 million War-related deaths among his own army. Fifty thousand members of the SS were left in Stalin’s hands at the close of WWII.

Given this history of the National Socialist Democrats, we are required to look askance at other freshmen members of congress espousing this philosophy along with future candidates operating in this vein. Socialism is not the Keynesian economics of genuine republics nor does it foster nationhood. A nation under seige by foreign entities will put life ahead of an economy but must respect the life of each member. Economics is a tool for free persons to enlarge liberty. Pooled tax revenues make sense to pay for urgently needed goods and services, like schools, a military and an infrastructure for health, safety and transportation needs.

That does not guarantee health care or a car in every garage. A university degree exceeds requirements for ‘funded’, compulsory education. High reimbursement rates per student in a given elementary school district may do more to impoverish taxed property owners than it does to teach Johnny how to read.

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Free enterprise does not force itself upon consumers. When I buy a product, I research the owners of the company. My liking for soaps made from Dead Sea minerals led to my personal selection of a single vendor from among other companies selling those products. The nation whose members created life around the Dead Sea, where no life existed under nature itself, is rightfully regarded as a creation of members of the ‘Start Up’ nation. I’m responsible for tracking the paths trodden by corporate entities I patronize.

Is there life in the Congressional body of the ‘Upstart Nation’, my name for the youthful United States of America? Elected members of congress are skirting the edges of that law in a dangerous manner. Pointing out unfairness in the actions of Tlaib is laudable, as per Senator Rubio’s remarks. However, statements about the legal challenges inherent to the behavior of congressional representatives is also required. Guided by that 1954 law, the Logan act and the Taylor Force Act, the houses of our legislators might again be shored up to promote life and liberty.

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October 1st, 2018

Dear Judiciary Committee,

The first Monday of October seems an appropriate day to pose these questions. While admittedly naive in the ways of senate deliberations, my belief in the activities of the Judiciary Committee was that you ensure the means by which our constitutional republic is maintained. I must request you review your own activities in a closed session because there appeared to be gross violations of legal and judicial process, serving only to appease the public mood. Agreed to by the anxious candidate for an esteemed position on our Supreme court, are we viewing Republican or Rino sponsored ( Republican in name only) events unfolding here?

First, Ms. Feinstein should have known that the state where the alleged crime took place has no statute of limitations for sexual violence. Therefore, the District Attorney should have been given this information. That office is empowered to investigate and prosecute crimes under their jurisdiction without the cooperation of the victim. Ms. Ford did not lodge a civil complaint between herself and Judge Kavenaugh. She has made statements alleging a crime took place against the State of Maryland. As there was no interstate criminal activity described, the FBI does not have jurisdiction beyond your own request to conduct interviews.

Procedural mandates under the criminal code makes your choice to open the inquiry to television cameras appear to be a sop to troubled individuals. Having ‘your say’ may momentarily relieve tensions within a segment of the population but you are not psychologists. Sexual violence will only be reduced in frequency when action is taken that holds persons accountable for their deeds.

While Judge Kavenaugh wisely refrained from listening to her statements for immediate response outside a proper legal framework, he still agreed to participate in this violation of a system he has long protected. Held up to the contempt of the public, the judge’s ‘job interview’ instead damaged the system of judicial oversight that balances the legislative and executive branches of leadership. Unless proven, this committee accepted libellous documents that should only have been reviewed in a closed session. I did not listen to the testimony because, at this stage, it is mere slander. There are many support groups for battered women but legal venues are not ‘support’ bodies. They are investigative and must lead to resolutions.

I hope law journals will weigh in with their views (not the Bar Association that today is merely a legal employment agency). Rushing an appointment through for political reasons, subverts the purpose of having the Court advise the States about their legislative and judicial practices. A minority myself, I have been excluded from the Justice system on more than one occasion (noted in this blog). Gross deviations from due process at the top should not be encouraged.

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Under fascist regimes, arrest rarely meant a trial was forthcoming. In Stalin’s ‘conveyor belt’ of judicial process, the arrestee was told the charge and asked whether he wanted to plead guilty before or after weeks of torture. Then the death sentence was carried out once the signature was applied to the confession.

Our system of plea bargaining is weakened by its informal nature and questionable constitutionality. Further, judges are not bound to agreements between suspects and lawyers, be those D.A.s or defense attorneys. In one famous illustration, Jonathan Pollard leaked information to a friendly government regarding terrorist bases threatening that ally. With that government entitled to the information by treaty, the leak could not be termed treason. Precedents existed with similar cases resulting in prison sentences of three to six years. Rather than face a trial on charges of treason, a plea bargain in line with the precedents was arranged for Mr. Pollard.

The judge threw out the planned deal but accepted the guilty plea. A life sentence was mandated and Mr. Pollard, in very poor health, was paroled after serving thirty years in solitary confinement. Given the nature of our judicial intent, perhaps a plea bargain that is thrown out by a judge should automatically invalidate the fear-induced confession leading to that deal. A trial should then proceed using the lesser charges, agreed to by the prosecutor, who believed those were sufficient at the time of the deal.

Our judges are often at odds with systems that propel suspects directly to confessions and require them to examine the issues piecemeal, outside of a courtroom. I would not want to see judges coerced into the conveyor belt model nor given the option of unilateral decision-making. The nature of a case that cannot be appealed by virtue of studying a trial transcript, severely hampers our democracy. Transcripts tell us truths and uncover perjury. The deals also lead to generations of lawyers who have never practiced real trial law. Without trial experience, we seriously reduce the pool of lawyers who will eventually become judicial candidates.

Its time to challenge the constitutionality of plea bargains from many perspectives.

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I head for the best climates of each season and spent this summer visiting several cities in the U.S.A. , not previously on my travel agenda. The males may not want to read further but should be informed that their input how women’s rest rooms are built is inadequate.

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A glaring error in design, modern toilets empty on an automatic basis. Women are literally sitting over a geyser, and a less than sanitary fountain at that! Travel is inconvenient at best without dealing with rest rooms requiring you bring duct tape and plastic sheeting with you. My creative way to resolve the problem involves post-it notes to rest upon the flush censor or use stickers from children’s toys to paste over the button. There is also simple scotch tape and paper, when TSA hasn’t parted the sharp edge of the tape roll from the other belongings in my backpack.

The year is 2018 and we have space stations, but few women’s bathrooms to safeguard our physical health. Let’s leave the geysers in Yellowstone National Park and allow still bathroom waters to run at our will!

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August 9th, 2018

I live part of each year in the Middle East where the justice system of the nation of Israel has been in development for over 3000 years. Firmly established by the time democracy ultimately combined with a justice system in the Western world, there should be no surprises in the realisation that the United States court system remains an immature one. Still, the effort required to raise United States standards to provide for the equal treatment under the law for all who dwell here, is easily within reach. This post is an outline of how we may advance the constitutional practice of civil law without limiting court access to the poor.

Today, lawyers trust that their colleagues will not allow the justice system to challenge their oratory abilities. Trading the time-honored practice of presenting adversarial positions before the bench, the client is the new adversary in both criminal and civil cases. Accommodating generations of lawyers, who’ve successfully avoided taking cases to trial, speaks volumes regarding a growing contempt for clients.

Like planes over a crowded airport, cases are stacked on high and allowed to circle without landing upon the field of real justice – the courtroom. Judges sign off on deals in criminal cases in a manner not unlike the old Soviet ‘conveyor belt’, where the major decision made is when you pled guilty to any crime other than a capital offence.

Today, civil cases ignore the plaintiffs’ cause of action and defendants’ rights in favor of lawyerly bargaining skills in order to avoid trials. Civil courts have been fully privatized, leaving jurists captive to injustices performed beneath their own noses. Criminal cases are state matters, so defendants are guaranteed legal representation. Civil cases are arguments between individuals and therefore depend solely upon the efforts of private legal practitioners. In the criminal proceeding of “The state versus Horacio Alger”, a court appointed lawyer will bargain for Alger. However, in the civil action of “Horatio Alger versus Ghengis Khan”, Ghengis can win if his privately hired lawyer is capable of tying the case up for years until Horatio dies of his wounds.

Genuine competition in the legal marketplace is needed to return lawyers to the courtrooms in civil matters. Judges must be able to preside over cases that leave precedents instead of agreeing to the sealed settlements that presently comprise the lion’s share of financial ‘wins’ for lawyers. Significant cases can be left to die of old age merely by assuring clients the business is well in hand until the client is informed that the firm is no longer interested in the case. That’s shorthand for, ‘We couldn’t get a settlement offer and won’t go to court’. However, hiring new counsel for aged suits is near to impossible.

Competition for trial cases is easily created with the formation of a new division within the office of the D.A. of each municipality, agreed to by the state legislature. I believe we can restore quality to legal representation through creation of a civil prosecutorial office. Run like most non-profit law firms, suitable salaries and legal costs would be funded through winning case fees, thus ensuring the ongoing livelihood of the division. Clients will have more than one option in hiring and firing lawyers, should the usual run of ‘firm’ attorneys fail to perform in the legally required zealous fashion. Charges to the taxpayer are negligible.

Judges will get off the ‘sign this deal’ conveyor belt, when trial experience again becomes required among lawyers. Judges can help by insisting needless delays are avoided using the precedent known as ‘zealous prosecution’, adding the clause to legal contracts for many firms. It’s not too late for U.S. cities here restore full integrity to the courts.

This program is in review presently in California and Illinois. No law student should graduate expecting not to fulfill the responsibility of presenting cases as per original intent. No lawyer should expect election or appointment to the bench without extensive trial experience and we are running out of prospects for future jurist positions. The D.A. would further impede frivolous suits and pursue cases of perjury where witnesses lie for profit. Others who fear to speak freely may be assisted. Some cases may be deemed criminal, rather than civil, and remanded to the more appropriate division.

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March 20th, 2018

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Have you visited Dachau Concentration Camp museum in Munich yet? The essential basis for this first (1933) camp was not just to kill. The purpose was to train the most educated and civilized group of Europeans to torture and murder. It takes a lot of conditioned fear to get a family man with a college degree to blow the head off of an infant in front of it’s mother. Based upon the 1920 platform of the escapees of the Weinmar Republic based in Brazil, the new SS party would guarantee jobs and food to the German people in a manner promised by traditional communist governments. Like Russia, the SS immediately referred to Jews and other ‘aliens’ (with generational citizenship) as targets for elimination to ensure the adequacy of supplies.

Guantanamo Bay is a modern day Dachau funded with US dollars. Regardless of the desire for revenge upon terrorists, torture so demeans those who do/enable the practice that we prove ourselves a fascist entity through this prison built to teach our educated hirees to torture others. The numbing of human feeling for the tortured has led to tolerance of torture in domestic prisons and even the turning of a blind eye to the huge incidence of preventable diseases in our midst.

Please delay the appointment until the practice so abhorrent to yourself is ended. I’m sure Elisha Weisel of the Simon Weisenthal Foundation would speak to the Senate on this matter. Thank you for your time and effort on behalf of United States’ citizens.

Categories: commentary, Letters, Life Observations

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February 17th, 2018

Education is a bright spot along a frequently dark spectrum of governmental expenditures. Numerous methods have been utilized to make compulsory schooling – the great equalizer – a viable and vibrant advantage of life in the United States. An education is an advantage not to be lost when circumstances change for an individual. However, the various privileges with which the federal and state governments endow our schools presents new challenges in light of present day realities. Block grants to schools will likely cease or be drastically reduced while state funds will not increase to make up the differential. We must then remember the purposes for mandated school enrollment so changes remain in line with present and future needs, rather than habits of recent years.

Let’s think of users of regular school facilities as consumers of formal education (CFE). Those families who want to create the path by which their children will acquire learning will be termed users of Learning Options (LO).

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1. High property taxes dedicated to the schools in a country concerned with a debt presumed to have driven up personal and business taxes. The sole purpose of federal taxes appears to return monies to the States for earmarked programs and pay interest on borrowed funds. Property taxes for failing schools impede the ability of the elderly on fixed incomes to keep property that took so many years of mortgage payments to own.

2. Submitting one’s children to State control during the school day where everything from medical protocols, (vaccine schedules), to course content is often outside expressed parental desires.

3. Parents who arrange their childrens’ outside contacts via play dates and supervised sports activities are often unable to end bullying by children lawfully ensconced in the same classrooms. Not all teachers are qualified to shape youngsters within groups fundamentally incompatible in learning abilities, personalities and parental visions of the future.

4. Parents must observe large class sizes that hold their children to a slowed learning pace in some areas while curriculum may outpace their children in other portions of learning. An increasing incidence in developmental learning disabilities also alters educational outcomes when teaching methods come in a ‘one size fits all’ package.

5. School boards may fail qualitatively when they believe increased budgets and more seats on school boards are an answer to all problems in education.

6. Curriculums are often dedicated to gaining entry to colleges instead of teaching skills for life and preparation for jobs/careers. Students believe failure to enter a costly two to four year track of university attendance is a personal, life-long censure.

We might add to this list all day long but those dubious of CFE choices need to view these problems in a new light. Rather than address shortcomings in governmental control of education, at least half of American families should prepare to end a means of dependency upon the state by creating their own educational programs, tailored to the personal needs of the family constellation. That would alter the entire nature of compulsory schooling into creative educational models that are approved by, but independent of the State, for children up to the age of sixteen. The teaching profession would cease to apply standard forms of professional models and reliance upon mass-produced text books. Rather, teachers would prepare for careers in state funded schools and/or private home school modules.

How might this revolution, (or devolution), in education work? I propose the period of 2/18 through 8/18 serve as a preparatory period for the new model. Parents interested in notifying their school boards that they plan to withdraw their children from school as of September, 2018 should do so by March 31 of this year. That allows schools to determine their 2018-2024 per capita income immediately for re-tooling of school seats needed in their districts. Should half of the parents with school aged children withdraw from a CFE, numerous schools will prepare for closure and districts will combine their remaining resources. Bussing schedules diminish in number but likely become longer in duration as inner city school children joined perimeter area schools and vice-versa.

Teacher unions would prepare for cuts in school staffing and introduce novel ways to have member teachers hired by home school modules as independent contractors. Tenured teachers would have first choice of public school positions. New insurance and supplemental retirement investments might be invented for both groups.

Parents would have the potential to hire teachers in areas they feel unqualified to supervise, from chemistry to economics. Clergy and graduate students in various universities might add to the pool of paid and voluntary teaching staff in specialized areas such as philosophy. Religion will also be an optional component in the case of LO parents. Special needs children might best be served in magnet public schools, given the prior successes of charter school models funded to educate the disabled. The charter schools might well be disbanded should their staff and areas of expertise be transferred to the public sector.

A four day school week might be adequate for new, smaller class sizes leaving buildings open a fifth day for science labs and school library usage by LO parents, whose taxes remain invested in the CFE model. Principals would have to prepare for a caseload of home schoolers to survey progress in meeting basic competencies. Again, their salaries would reflect that demand as the need for full time principles dwindle in public school facilities.

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Parents who have taken upon themselves that hardest job, creating new life and generations of builders, need to own the responsibility of self-determination in education. That does not erase the need to be concerned about the education of your neighbors or for the childless to cease to contribute to the advantages of living in an educated society. Still, this remodeling of education in a manner that can halve costs and reduce taxes, reveals what education means in the most fundamental sense of the word.

While some LO parents may desire their children to gain traditional high school diplomas, others may remove their children from the high school track entirely at sixteen. Eqivalency diplomas may even be earned at sixteen by home schoolers. When colleges and universities adopt an open approach to enrollment – requiring only proof of ability to perform in college classes – the period from 16 to 18 years of age might be taken up with advanced placement classes, internships and/or paid employment to save for college tuition. The teen years abbreviated, self-determination begins with parents and children working together to build a future within and between families with similiar aims.

In summary, adults living in democracies place a great deal of dependency upon the State for child-rearing. That dependency includes the use of school premises for child care and indoctrination in the prevailing culture. Now that literacy rates are near a hundred percent, that degree of dependence upon the State is overblown and detracts from the vision held by the founding fathers. Comining old and new ideologies in education, the next generations of American children will not need to be divided by prevailing educational gaps. Concerned parents invested in the public school classrooms ought to ensure that a parent volunteer is present in every room on a daily basis before taking issue with school board decisions. Common core lessons taught by computer technology ought to be heard by parents as well. Otherwise, those lessons might as well be performed at home and reduce school budgets.

Barbara Rubin, M.A.

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Author of the Amazon Kindle thriller, ‘The Escargot Series’

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November 11th, 2017

Newspapers devote a great deal of column space to the Middle East for good reason. Political and judicial freedoms began there when the nation of Israel stood at the foot of Mt. Sinai – prior to gaining land borders – and created a revolutionary set of new laws. Those laws went far beyond the seven Noahide rules (1) and well beyond even the ten commandments. A democratically elected judiciary was formed and military service was mandated on the part of each tribe for the period required to gain the land later named for the nation of Israel.

Four or five 大陆怎么浏览外国网站 (2) later, depending upon your starting date for a timeline of activity in the land of Israel, the destruction of the second Temple was accompanied by a brand new phenomenon. The prevailing empire of Rome changed the name of the land to Philistinia (Palestine) so that the name and ways of Israel might be forever erased. With the memory of Jerusalem carried throughout the next two millennia by multiple groups, the 1948 resumption of self-governance by Israel within a portion of those ancient lands, was accompanied by the need to attend to those still carrying the label of ‘Palestinian’ (3). Largely a people who had functioned under the Ottoman Empire, this group of traders had relied upon profits earned through supplying settlers, soldiers and pilgrims with needed goods and services. Coinage was minted only after the British Mandatory was in control. No central Palestinian authority existed until they became a counter-influence alongside of the re-established Israeli government. The Palestinian Authority, an offshoot of the terrorist Al Fatah movement, exists today as head of a failed state, unwilling to attain financial independence from their United Nations designated status as generational refugees.

Rabbi Yishai Fleisher listed numerous options soon to be brought into play that will grant Palestinians paths to citizenship within a number of nations/countries in a N.Y. Times editorial (4). The futures of the Palestinian children will be different than that of their parents and grandparents. However, that does not address the problems of others suffering from ‘Palestinian Syndrome’. Other national groups have been re-named in the past two centuries so that their individuality would be subsumed under new labels or altered borders. This represents efforts to offset anticipated economic hardships or counter planned economic sabotage. Economics became the basket terminology used by persons silenced by fascists able to convince a large majority of passive individuals to relinquish all rights of ownership and land usage to a threatening patriarchal form of government. In order to promote a sense of ‘parity’ among uniformly threatened citizens, feudal structures were revised diminishing ownership rights entirely in favour of ‘communist’ communities forming to pacify fascists with promises of productivity and passivity. In direct opposition to the demand by free market proponents to define a standard for ‘living’ while creating the means for fiscal mobility within all strata of society, various new versions of ‘Palestinians’ were created on every continent.

The European Union replaced national identities among its former constituent nations in the name of socialism. Pooling resources to prevent loss of access to food and shelter as experienced during WWII permitted the ways of the former European nations to become diluted and forgotten with the influx of genuine migrants needing temporary support. An even larger group of permanent dependents was established, meant to drain both culture and money from the new entity. Communism expanded westward from Eastern Block countries created at the Potsdam conference (5), thereby proving that self-determination has been an extremely rare phenomenon in the Western World. The awarding of any lands to Stalin as a prize for not siding with Hitler is a warning to all nations. After the most highly educated of European societies had become debased, communist ideals of food and jobs replaced the goals of the vastly individualized European identities. Those wearied of the crimes committed by neighboring states dreaming only of conquest failed to realize they would soon conquer themselves via this view of freedom as a mere chess game for the few to play.

England will never forget their origins and painful evolution into a premier world power. With EU (6) membership pending for several Balkan nations, Greek Cyprus and even Turkey, the UK wisely brexited. However, England’s panicking dependents holding UK passports will hopefully soon remember why they didn’t profit from unification with the EU. Nonetheless, English identity suffered heavily on that island with large numbers suffering from ‘Palestinian Syndrome’. Who is a citizen of the UK and do they possess the rights and responsibilities formerly accorded the English?

Born in Washington Heights, New York, I’ve witnessed how the body of laws formulated by the Continental i7加速器官网 (7) of the United States of America came to be replaced with the dubious name of our continent – America. Americans tolerate everything from torture (with deficit spending funding Guantanomo Bay prison, built along the lines of Dachau’s SS training camp) to the open support of criminal aliens serving either themselves or foreign governments. Given the fact that the United States legal code stood for freedom of speech and movement by populations desiring mobility of location and class, our administrations even created agencies to warn citizens of encroaching harm (e.g. EPA, NSA, NIH, HHS). I’m unsure why people prefer to be ‘good Americans’ rather than United States citizens looking after the welfare of our respective states and our neighbors. Told by many that the cause is ‘debt’, I remain at a loss to understand why we should become American Palestinians living as refugees under foreign lenders.

We now boast the capability of meeting subsistence standards for living without requiring rites of human sacrifice reminiscent of Gallipoli or Stalin’s killing spree of twenty million Russians during WWII. Few would have a hard time believing that war alone was responsible for the ethnic and political cleansing accomplished during that period of Russian history. Numerous genocides (8) have followed from the starvation of 45 million Chinese duringMao’s reign in the 1960s to those recorded in Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfur and Bosnia during successive decades. How to record excessive death rates from preventable disease and infant mortality remains a chronic problem to this day. For those deprived of fresh air, sustenance and shelter within our many poisoned cities, only beds in psychiatric wards are offered to individuals left with a fig leaf and a bloody scarf over an invisible head wound. Why are our records so amorphous, as though our neighbors were not ‘ours’ and our governments strangers to their constituents?

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The need for those with visions of a shared future may be likened to the basic need for literacy. Should children ha e to be home schooled due to severe budget cuts, what would you teach in your Social Studies units about the realities of living in your community? What laws apply or does the legal profession only represent interests foreign to your region? How do you cover truth in philosophy an hour after reading the newspaper? Some of the material will be true for some families and not true for others. Reality can’t be treated with all due respect unless the facts are plainly dealt like cards at a poker table.

I hope readers will ask themselves tonight whether you are Palestinians or nationals of your region. Establishing that relationship with your leadership will advance all regional populations in planning for present and future aggressions. Were we to divide up wars in terms of their purposes, we might begin with Wars of Independence, like the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 in the United States. That is in direct opposition to Wars of Dependence (9) like the American Civil War. In that latter example, southern ties to European cotton markets vied with northern insistence upon internal strength and economic unity to remain ‘in house’. Competing interests should be identified and regrouping of misplaced interests performed prior to the house to house fighting seen in Syria. Syria is well able to point at their own Palestinian problem while we remain in denial.

300+小时的CPA网课怎么追?11种加速播放器推荐:2021-11-1 · 软件包大小在20MB左右,安装过程不到1分钟,虽然软件是外国的,但是现在专门了中文版,使用体验感还是非常不错的,界面效果: 比较遗憾的是,该软件暂时没有官方的移动版(安卓和苹果均无),这算是一个小小的缺憾。


(1)Noahide rules: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-seven-noachide-laws

(2)Early challenges/occupations of Jerusalem: http://www.science.co.il/israel-history/ http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/timeline-for-the-history-of-jerusalem-4500-bce-present

(3)Origins of the Palestinian Authority: http://www.britannica.com/topic/Palestinian-Authority

(4)Editorial on future solutions to Palestinian problems in Gaza:http://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/14/opinion/a-settlers-view-of-israels-future.html

(5)Potsdam Conference: http://history.state.gov/milestones/1937-1945/potsdam-conf ; http://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/decade17.asp

(6)EU membership: http://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/countries_en

(7)Continental Congress of the USA: http://history.state.gov/milestones/1776-1783/continental-congress

(8)Modern genocides: http://endgenocide.org/learn/past-genocides/ ; http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/maos-great-leap-forward-killed-45-million-in-four-years-2081630.html

(9)Wars of Dependence: http://mshistorynow.mdah.state.ms.us/articles/161/cotton-in-a-global-economy-mississippi-1800-1860

Categories: commentary, Life Observations

Tags: constitution, 手机怎么浏览外国网站, personal observations, politics, Terrorism 如何进入外国网站


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